X-ray Preparation Information
X-ray Preparation Information
흉부 X선 검사전 탈의 안내
Please follow the following guidelines before your X-ray examination.
Remove your top, bra and anything with metal, including jewelry, and change into a hospital gown. Follow the line marked on the floor to enter the X-ray room.
상의를 모두 탈의하시고 목걸이와 브레지어를 제거하신 후 가운을 갈아 입으시고 바닥에 선을 따라 촬영실 안으로 들어오세요
※ If you are pregnant (or think you may be pregnant), please inform the doctor before having a X-ray.
※임산부나 임신가능성이 있으시면 촬영전에 꼭! 말씀해주세요.
You may keep your shirt or undershirt on after removing anything with metal, including jewelry or tops with metal buttons and zippers. Follow the line marked on the floor to enter the X-ray room.
금속물질이나 단추,지퍼가 없는 얇은 셔츠나 속옥만 입고(목걸이제거)상의를 탈의하신후 바닥에 선을 따라 촬영실 안으로 들어오세요
In the X-ray room
흉부 X선 검사자세 안내
Please place your feet within the foot-shaped outlines marked on the floor. Follow the pose displayed on the screen by rolling your shoulders forward to keep them tightly against the machine and holding your arms at your sides.
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