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[구글드라이브] 휴지통 비운 파일 복구하는 법

haijun93 2018. 12. 26. 17:37

구글드라이브 휴지통 비운 파일 복구방법

1. 구글 드라이브 Help form으로 이동

구글 헬프센터에 도움을 신청하기 위해서, 아래의 링크로 이동합니다. 



2. 구글 드라이브, Help form 작성

아래와 같은 페이지가 나타나면, 아래의 설명에 따라 (1)부터 (5)까지 진행합니다. 

3. Google Help Center와의 채팅

Contact us 버튼을 누르면, 약간의 대기시간이 흐른후, 화면 오른쪽 하단에 채팅창이 나타납니다. 

채팅이 시작되면, 복구할 파일의 소유자가 맞는지, 휴지통에서 비운게 맞는지, 복구할 파일이나 폴더가 무엇인지 등의 질문 후 복구를 진행해 줍니다.   

아래는 제가 구글헬프센터 직원과 채팅한 내용입니다.  

Virginia4:17 PM

Thanks for contacting Google Support. My name is Virginia.

Virginia4:18 PM

You have reached Google Drive Support. Hi, how are you?

Virginia4:18 PM

I hope that you're having a wonderful day! I understand that you are contacting about deleting a file Is there anything else you'd like to add?

David4:19 PM

i just want to recover the folder I made a mistake to delete it


David4:19 PM

Please help me out.

Virginia4:19 PM

OK let me check that out for you, don't worry.

Virginia4:19 PM

Is David your name?

David4:20 PM

yes, that's my name

David4:20 PM


Virginia4:21 PM

Hi David

Virginia4:21 PM

Are you the owner of the files? Or the files were shared with you?

David4:21 PM

yes, that's mine.

Virginia4:21 PM

I've recently been given access to a tool that would allow me to recover documents if they have been deleted within a certain timeframe. There is also a criteria to meet, you must be listed as the owner, the files should be created or saved under your Google Drive. It must be also deleted from your Google Drive trash. I can't guarantee that the use of this tool will recover the files that you're missing because I can’t handpick which files I can recover. Is it okay to recover all available files from the recovery tool?

David4:22 PM


David4:22 PM

i fully understand it

Virginia4:23 PM

This is the Google Drive account where the file/files were deleted, right? haijun93@gmail.com

David4:23 PM


Virginia4:24 PM

OK please stay with me, this could take a few minutes.

Virginia4:26 PM

Did you delete many files?

David4:27 PM


David4:30 PM

the folder name is '#Papers regarding Work' or #paperwork'

Virginia4:30 PM

We cannot handpick files

Virginia4:30 PM

Whatever you deleted will be brought back

Virginia4:31 PM

That's why I asked if you deleted many files. Because ALL of them will comeback

David4:31 PM


David4:31 PM

you'd better recover all of them

Virginia4:32 PM

Thank you for waiting. We have ran the recovery tool. Please take note, it might take a few minutes to within 24 hrs for the system to finish recovering files. We advise you to wait for this and try to refresh your Drive every now and then. But you can try now, please go to drive.google.com to check. The entire recovery process could take up to 48 hours.

David4:35 PM

thank you so much. god bless you. you made my day! happy new year!

Virginia4:35 PM

Any more questions?

David4:35 PM

No. you gave me everything I need.

David4:35 PM

thanks for your service!

Virginia4:36 PM

Great! I am happy I was able to help you. In case you have questions about Google Drive, just contact us so that we can help you further. Google loves customer feedback, there will be a customer satisfaction survey about your overall support experience after this chat. Thanks again for contacting Google Drive and have a great day and take care!

Virginia4:36 PM

Thank you for contacting Google Drive Chat Support. Now that your chat session has ended, we would appreciate your feedback via our survey at https://support.google.com/drive/contact/survey_transactional_short?ctx=chat&caseid=8-6021000024585

Virginia ended the chat

제가 실수로 삭제한 파일이 약 10기가 정도 되었는데, 모두 복구되는데 걸린 시간은 약 5분 정도였습니다. 

구글은 구글드라이브 휴지통에서 삭제된 파일을 따로 보관하는게 아닌가 의심할 수 있지만, 그건 아닙니다. 위 채팅내용에서 확인할 수 있듯이 사용자의 복구 요청시, 구글은 Recovery tool을 이용하여, 해당 파일을 복구를 해줍니다.