1. ~는 남들에게 -처럼 보일 수 있다. ⇔ 주어 can appear to others as -.
EX) Her icy attitude can appear to others as indifference.
2. X는 보통 -하는데 사용된다. ⇔ 주어 is/are commonly used + to 부정사.
EX) This adjective is commonly used to describe people's character.
3. ~에 따르면 ...이다. ⇔ According to~, 주어 + 동사.
EX) According to some psychologists, man has a habit of lying
4. 마치 ...처럼 보인다. ⇔ It seems as if + 절.
EX) It seems as if he knows everything.
5. ...의 여부를 알아내다. ⇔ 주어 + find(s) out whether + 절.
EX) I want to find out whether they have interests in common.
6. ...은 조금도 놀라운 일이 아니다. ⇔ No wonder (that) + 절.
EX) No wonder he has a stomach upset after eating so much.
7. 명백히 ...하다. ⇔ Obviously, 주어 + 동사.
EX) Obviously, you cannot make friends with everybody.
8. 이는 ...하기 때문이다. ⇔ This is because + 절.
EX) This is because we have coffee as a way of relieving tension.
9. ~는 ...할 확률이 매우 높다. ⇔ 주어 is/are most likely + to 부정사.
EX) She is most likely to pass the driving test.
10. 대략적으로 말해서 ...이다. ⇔ Broadly speaking, 주어 + 동사.
EX) Broadly speaking, commuting by car has grown since the 1960s.
11. 보도에 따르면 ...이다. ⇔ It is reported that + 절.
EX) It is reported that whales travel at the speed of 56 kilometers per hour.
Reports have it that + 절.
According to reports, 주어 + 동사.
Reportedly, 주어 + 동사.
12. 그렇다 하더라도 아직...이다. ⇔ Even so, 주어 + still + 동사
EX) Even so, over one-fifth of the population still lives below the poverty line.
13. 지적한대로 ...이다. ⇔ As I have pointed out, 주어 + 동사.
EX) As I have pointed out, its environmental effect could be disastrous.
14. 조사에 따르면 ...이다. ⇔ The survey shows that + 절.
EX) The survey shows that 24 percent of children watch TV after 9 o'clock.
The survey reveals that + 절.
According to the survey, 주어 + 동사
15. 아무리 오래 걸리더라도 ...하다. ⇔ No matter how long it takes, 주어 + 동사.
EX) No matter how long it takes, I will complete my task.
However long it takes, 주어 + 동사.
16. ~는 -으로 나뉘어진다. ⇔ 주어 is/are divided into -.
EX) This passage is divided into two quite separate parts.
17. 사실은 ...이다. ⇔ The fact (of the matter) is that + 절.
EX) The fact of the matter is that meat is a highly concentrated form of nutriment.
18. 이것은 대체로 ...하기 때문이다. ⇔ This is largely because + 절.
EX) This is largely because the fat intake is low.
19. 내가 놀란 것은 ...라는 사실이다. ⇔ What surprises me is that +절.
EX) What surprises me is that even teenagers use drugs.
20. ~는 ...할 자격이 있다. ⇔ 주어 is/are entitled + to 부정사.
EX) Women are also entitled to do what they want.
21. ...인지 의문스럽다. ⇔ It is doubtful whether + 절.
EX) It is doubtful whether the public at large has any idea of the Internet revolution.
22. 일단 ~만 되면 ...하다. ⇔ Once + 과거분사, 주어 + 동사.
EX) Once designed, a silicon chip is extremly cheap to manufacture in bulk.
23. ~는 ...하는 방법을 배우고 있다. ⇔ 주어 is/are learning how + to 부정사.
EX) I am learnig how to play the saxophone.
24. 나는 한때 ...한 적이 있다. ⇔ I used + to 부정사.
EX) I used to drink quite a lot.
25. 나는 ...이 아니라고 생각한다. ⇔ I don't think (that) + 절.
EX) I don't think I have any striking features.
26. ~에 관한 한 ...이다. ⇔ As far as ~is/are concerned, 주어 + 동사.
EX) As far as TV is concerned, 65% of teenagers often watch television.
27. 나는 ...하는 데 커다란 어려움이 있다. ⇔ I have great difficulty (in) + -ing 구문.
EX) I have great difficulty getting close to other people.
28. ~은 전형적인 -처럼 보인다. ⇔ 주어 seem(s) to be typical of -.
EX) This house seems to be typical of European buildings.
29. 나는 ...하는 것을 결코 고려해본 적이 없다. ⇔ I have never considered + -ing 구문.
EX) I have never considered studying abroad.
30.만약 내 기억이 맞다면, ...이다. ⇔ If my memory serves me right, 주어 + 동사.
EX) If my memory serves me right, his uncle is a police officer.
31. 나는 종종 ...할까 생각해보았다. ⇔ I've often thought about + -ing 구문.
EX) I've often thought about changing my profession.
32. ~는 -이래 존재하였다. ⇔ 주어 has/have existed since -.
EX) The telephone has existed since the beginning of the 20th century.
33. ~는 -을 포함한다. ⇔ 주어 involve(s) -.
EX) Housework involves caring for the members of the family, cleaning the house and doing the laundry.
34. 이용 가능한 ~가 충분치 않다. ⇔ There aren't enough ~available.
EX) There aren't enough computers available.
35. ~이 점점 ...해지고 있다. ⇔ 주어 is/are getting + 비교급.
EX) Jobs are getting scarcer.
36. 모든 사람들은 ~에 대해 나름대로 의견을 갖고 있다. ⇔ Everyone has some opinion about~.
EX) Everyone has some opinion about politics.
37. 계속 ...하고 있다. ⇔ It keeps + -ing 구문.
EX) It keeps changing.
38. X와 Y는 꼭 동의어는 아니다. ⇔ X and Y are not necessarily synonymous.
EX) Work and job are not necessarily synonymous.
39. ~이 평균보다 더/덜 ...하다. ⇔ 주어 am/is/are + 비교급 + than average.
EX) The baby is bigger than average.
40. ~는 아마 재미있을 것이다. ⇔ 주어 might be fun.
EX) Chatting over the Internet might be fun.
41. 그것은 뭔가 ~한 것이었음에 틀림없다. ⇔ It must have been something + 형용사.
EX) It must have been something special.
42. 그것은 -와는 거리가 멀다. ⇔ It's far from -.
EX) It's far from sensible.
43. ~를 -라고 부른다. ⇔ 주어 is/are called -.
EX) Most of the smaller marine mammals are called dolphins.
44. ~하는 반면 ...이다. ⇔ 주어 + 동사, while 주어 + 동사.
EX) Worrisome thoughts have adverse effects, while joyous thoughts have beneficial effects.
45. ~는 -와 같은 효과를 갖고 있다. ⇔ 주어 has/have the same effect as -.
EX) It has the same effect as caffeine.
46. ~는 좀처럼 ...하지 않는다. ⇔ 주어 + seldom + 동사.
EX) I seldom buy music CDs.
47. ~가 -에서 열린다. ⇔ 주어 is/are held in -.
EX) The '88 Summer Olympic Games were held in Seoul.
48. ~는 호평을 받고 있다. ⇔ 주어 is/are well received.
EX) The orchestra was well received.
49. 결국 ~임이 드러났다. ⇔ It turned out to be ~.
EX) It turned out to be a great success.
50. 한국인들은 ~와는 달리 ...하다. ⇔ The Koreans, as opposed to ~, + 동사.
EX) The Koreans, as opposed to the Chineses, drink a lot of beer.
51. 나는 ...을 -에 기초하고 있다. ⇔ I base ... on -.
EX) I base this assertion on some evidence.
52. 나는 ...라는 사실을 인식하고 있다. ⇔ I become aware of the fact that +절.
EX) I became aware of the fact that she had been mistaken.
53. 아주 신기하게도 ...하다. ⇔ Curiously enough, 주어 + 동사.
EX) Curiously enough, he did not lose his job.
54. 둘 중 어는 쪽이든 ...할 것이다. ⇔ Either way, 주어 + will + 동사.
EX) Either way, the structure of the Korean economy will change.
55. ~은 세 가지 부류로 나뉘어진다. ⇔ 주어 fall(s) into three categories.
EX) This type of publication falls into three categories.
56. ~적 관점에서 ...이다. ⇔ From a(n) 형용사 point of view 주어 + 동사.
EX) From a medical point of view he shows no evidence of illness.
57. 시간이 지나면서 ...하다. ⇔ In the course of time 주어 + 동사.
EX) In the course of time I got accustomed to my new surroundings.
58. 나는 ...할 수밖에 달리 방법이 없다. ⇔ I have no choice but + to 부정사.
EX) I had no choice but to use force.
have no alternative but + to 부정사
have no option but + to 부정사
cf) " ...하지 않을수 없다.“ ⇔ cannot but + 원형동사
cannot help + ~ing
59. ~는 -를 존중하지 않는다. ⇔ 주어 have/has no regard for -.
EX) She has no regard for the feelings of others.
60. ~문제에 있어서 ...하다. ⇔ In 형용사 matters 주어 + 동사.
EX) In economic matters decisions must be made quickly.
61. 이런한 점에서 ...하다. ⇔ In this respect 주어 + 동사.
EX) I have never been ill in my life. In this respect I have been very lucky.
62. -을 고려하여 ...하다. ⇔ In view of - 주어 + 동사.
EX) In view of these circumstances we decided not to take legal action.
63. ...을 해봤자 아무 소용이 없다. ⇔ There is no point + -ing 구문.
EX) There is no point in trying to convince him.
64. 나는 ~라는 조건으로 ...할 것이다. ⇔ I will + 동사 + on condition that + 절.
EX) I will sign the contract on condition that you deliver the goods on time.
65. ~는 ...라는 사실에서 기인하다. ⇔ 주어 result(s) from the fact that + 절.
EX) A lot of problems with teenagers result from the fact that parents are too permissive.
66. 개인적으로 나는 ...라고 믿는다. ⇔ Personally, I believe (that) + 절.
EX) Personally, I believe that every human being has the right to equal opportunity.
67. 요지는 ...라는 것이다. ⇔ The point is that + 절.
EX) The point is that women continue to regarded as second rate citizens.
68. ~에 깔린 기본 생각은 -이다. ⇔ The underlying idea of ~is -.
EX) The underlying idea of the reform is fair distribution of wealth.
69. 틀림없이 ...이다. ⇔ There is no doubt that + 절.
EX) There is no doubt that production will be stepped up before long.
70. ...해봐야 아무런 의미가 없다. ⇔ There is no sense in + -ing 구문.
EX) There is no sense in going on strike.
71. ~는 곳에 따라 다르다. ⇔ 주어 vary/varies from place to place.
EX) Customs vary from place to place.
72. ~는 매우 다양한 용도로 사용된다. ⇔ 주어 have/has great flexibility of use.
EX) This book has great flexibility of use.
73 ~는 ...로 시작해서 -로 끝이난다. ⇔ 주어 begin(s) with ... and ends with -.
EX) The film begins with the death of a woman and ends with her revenge.
74. 나는 ...하는 일을 아주 잘 한다. ⇔ I am very good at + -ing 구문.
EX) I am very good at fixing mechanical things.
75. 우선 ~이 무엇인지를 아는 것이 중요하다.
⇔ First of all, it is important to know what 주어 is/are.
EX) First of all, it is important to know what your aptitude is.
76. ~는 대충 모양이 삼각형이다. ⇔ 주어 is/are roughly triangular in shape.
EX) South America is roughly triangular in shape.
77. 그것이 적용될수 있는 곳은 -이 요구되는 ~분야이다.
⇔ Where it can apply is in ~ that require(s) -.
EX) Where it can apply is in sports that requires skill and practice.
78. ~는 생각보다 -의 영향을 더욱 많이 받았다.
⇔ 주어 is/are more influenced by - than might be thought.
EX) Hiphop is more influenced by reggae music that might be thought.
79. 문제의 또 다른 측면은~, 즉 -이다. ⇔ The other side of the coin is ~, -.
EX) The other side of the coin is tolerance, an acceptance of people and situations.
80. ~는 직접적이든 간접적이든 -와 연관이 있다.
⇔ 주어 is/are associated with -, either directly or indirectly.
EX) Postures are associated with emotional states, either directly or indirectly.
81. ~의 정도는 -에 따라 다르다. ⇔ The extent of ~ varies according to -.
EX) The extent of addiction varies according to the person and the drug.
82. ~에 대해서 생각할 때 우리는 -을 생각하는 경향이 있다.
⇔ When we think of ~, we tend to think about -.
EX) When we think of the environment, we tend to think about energy, pollution, conservation, etc.
83. ~은 모든 연령과 계층을 망라한다. ⇔ 주어 + is/are of any age and walk of life.
EX) People who are addicted to drugs are of any age and walk of life.
84. ...는 길이가 ~에서 -이다. ⇔ 주어 range(s) in length from ~ to _.
EX) The whales range in length from about 1.3 meters to 5 meters.
85. ...하면 할수록 점점 -하다. ⇔ The 비교급 + 주어 + 동사, the 비교급 + 주어 + 동사.
EX) The longer he continues taking pills, the harder a cure will be.
86. 만약 ...하지 않으면 ~는 가능성이 거의 없다. ⇔ 주어 is/are unlikely unless + 절.
EX) This is unlikely unless the anti-pollution law is passed.
87. 이유야 어떻든 ...하는 것은 ~한 일이다. ⇔ For whatever reason it is + 형용사 + to 부정사.
EX) For whatever reason it is pleasant to share a room with friends.
88. 우선 ~에 대해 간략히 언급하겠다. ⇔ First of all, I'd touch on ~.
EX) First of all, I'd touch on the need to discuss this subject.
89. 아는 어떤 것이 가장 ~인지를 결정하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.
⇔ This will help (you) decide which is +최상급.
EX) This will help you decide which is the most appropriate.
90. -에 따라 ~에 현저한 차이가 있다.
⇔ There are sharp contrasts between ~ according to -.
EX) There are sharp contrasts between modes of travel according to sex and income.
91. 나는 ...이 중요하다고 믿는다. ⇔ I believe it important that + 절.
EX) I believe it important that these claims should be widely known.
92. 그것은 ~이 어떻게 ...되었는지를 잘 말해준다. ⇔ It tells well how + 절.
EX) It tells well how procedures were ignored.
93. ...은 모두가 다 아는 사실이다. ⇔ It's common knowledge that + 절.
EX) It's common knowledge that the US president Clinton is a womanizer.
94. ~는 ...라는 사실에 대체로 기인한다. ⇔ 주어 is/are largely due to the fact that + 절.
EX) My resentment towards Karen is largely due to the fact that she solely occupies the room.
95. ~는 ...를 하는데 없어서는 안될 요소이다. ⇔ 주어 is/are a vital factor in + -ing 구문.
EX) TV is a vital factor in holding a family together.
96. 만약 계속 ...한다면 결국 ~할 것이다.
⇔ If 주어 keep(s) + -ing 구문, eventually 주어 will + 동사.
EX) If you keep talking about something for long enough, eventually people will pay attention to you.
97. ...하는 것은 단지 시간 문제일 뿐이다. ⇔ It's only a matter of time before + 절.
EX) It's only a matter of time before we can find any evidence.
98. ...는 의문의 여지가 있다. ⇔ It's open to question that + 절.
EX) It's open to question that the central bank raised the interest rate last month.
99. ~하느니 차라리 ... 하는 편이 낫겠다. ⇔ 주어 might + 원형동사, rather than + 원형동사.
EX) You might go and change that product, rather than go on feeling bad about it.
100. ...하는데는 각별한 주의가 요구된다. ⇔ Special care should be taken in + -ing 구문.
EX) Special care should be taken in interpreting economic statistics.
101. 많은 사람들이 아직도 ...라는 사실을 기이하게 여긴다.
⇔ Many people still consider it odd that + 절.
EX) Many people still consider it odd that a woman can make a political career.
102. ~에는 사람들이 인식하는것보다 더 많은 함정이 도사리고 있다.
⇔ 주어 has/have more pitfalls than people realize.
EX) Sometimes being married has more pitfalls than people realize.
103. ~에 문제가 생겼다. ⇔ A problem has arisen with ~.
EX) Recently, a problem has arisen with the British Royal Family.
104. 문제의 해결책은 ...하는데 있는 듯 하다.
⇔ A solution to the problem may lie in + -ing 구문.
EX) A solution to the problem may lie in using an alternative means of transport - the bicycle.
105. ~은 -를 B할 뿐 아니라 A하게 만들어줄 것이다.
⇔ 주어 will make + 목적어(-) + 형용사(A) as well as 형용사(B).
EX) It will make driving more comfortable as well as safe.
106. ~중에서 ...이다. ⇔ Of ~ 주어 + 동사.
EX) Of the major world religions Buddhism adopts a vegetarian diet.
107. ~의 수는 -으로 추산된다. ⇔ The number of ~ is estimated at -.
EX) The number of vegetarians in Europe is estimated at several million.
108. ~는 확실히 ...하는 경향이 있다.
⇔ There is certainly a tendency for 의미상 주어 + to 부정사.
EX) There is certainly a tendency for vegetarians to have lower calorie intakes than people on mixed diets.
109. ~는 -에게 일어날 수 있는 가장 멋진 일이다.
⇔ 주어 is/are the finest thing that can happen to -.
EX) Receiving a present is the finest thing that can happen to a child.
110. ~는 일반적으로 그런 류로는 가장 ...한 것으로 인정받고 있다.
⇔ 주어 is generally recognized as (being) + 최상급 + of its kind.
EX) The school program is generally recognized as being the most successful of its kind.
111. 사람들은 ~가 가질 수 있는 끔찍한 영향력에 대해 잘 인식하지 못하고 있다.
⇔ People are not aware of the terrible effects (that) 주어 + could have.
EX) People are simply not aware of the terrible effects a nuclear bomb could have.
112. 어느 ~이 모두 그러하듯, ...이다. ⇔ As is true of any ~, 주어 + 동사.
EX) As is true of any housework, gardening is tedious.
113. 그것은 ...하는데 하나의 유용한 대안으로 여겨진다.
⇔ It is viewed as a useful alternative way of + -ing 구문.
EX) It is viewed as a useful alternative way of dealing with these troublesome school problems.
114. 나는 ...하는게 어떤 기분인지 잘 모르겠다.
⇔ I don't know what it's like + to 부정사.
EX) I don't know what it's like to be a star.
115. ~와 ...를 구분하는 것은 무척 쉬운 일이다.
⇔ It's quite easy to differentiate between ~ and -.
EX) It's quite easy to differentiate between a middle-class and a working-class child.
116. 이것은 ...하는 정도를 가리킨다.
⇔ This indicates the degree to which + 절.
EX) This indicates the degree to which a person is influenced by what he learnt as a child.
117. 생각컨대 ~가 -에게 안성맞춤인 듯 싶다.
⇔ Conceivably, 주어 is/are the thing for -.
EX) Conceivably, more creative work is the thing for me.
118. 나는 ~에는 동감하지만 -에는 실망하고 있다.
⇔ I sympathize with ~ but am disappointed at -.
EX) I sympathize with his idea but am disappointed at his way of working.
119. 그것은 정말 ~하지만 때로 다소 -한 일이다.
⇔ It's really ~ but at times rather -.
EX) It's really exciting but at times rather time-consuming.
120. 나는 바로 지금이 ...해야 할 때라고 생각한다.
⇔ I think it's high time (that) 주어 + 과거동사.
EX) I think it's high time she went on a diet.
121. ~에서 가장 흥미로운 측면은 ...라는 사실이다.
⇔ The most enjoyable aspect of ~ is the fact that + 절.
EX) The most enjoyable aspect of my work is the fact that I am a freelance.
122. 일부는 ...한 반면, 다른 이들은 ~하다. ⇔ Some + 동사, while others + 동사.
EX) Some feel a great sense of obligation, while others do not care at all.
123. ~는 예외라기보다는 하나의 대세이다. ⇔ 주어 is/are the rule rather than the exception.
EX) Nowdays, job mobility is the rule rather than the exception.
124. 내게는 ~한 것이 다른 사람에게는 ~하지 않을 수 있다.
⇔ What's ~ to me may not be ~ to someone else.
EX) What's interesting to me may not be interesting to someone else.
125. ...한 것이 마치 어제 일처럼 여겨진다. ⇔ It seems like only yesterday that + 절.
EX) It seems like only yesterday that we were married.
126. 나는 ...를 할지 혹은 ~를 할지에 대해 마음을 정하지 못했다.
⇔ I haven't made up my mind about whether I + 동사 + or + 동사.
EX) I haven't made up my mind about whether I want to be a programmer or run a convenience store later.
127. ~이든 아니든, ...해야 한다. ⇔ Whether or not + 절, 주어 + should + 동사.
EX) Whether or not you are young, we should keep fit.
128. 그것은 얼마나 ...하는냐에 달려있다. ⇔ That depends on how 형용사(부사) + 주어 + 동사.
EX) That depends on how efficient it is.
129. ~는 개인의 필요에 따라 맞춤식으로 -을 만든다.
⇔ 주어 tailor(s) -to one's individual needs.
EX) The students can tailor the program to their individual needs.
130. ~는 -에 도움이 될 것으로 생각된다. ⇔ 주어 is/are believed to be conducive to -.
EX) Yoga is believed to be conducive to a longer, healthier life.
131. ~는 -의 결과로 생각된다. ⇔ 주어 is/are thought to be the result of -.
EX) Illness is thought th be the result of an improper balance of the body's forces.
132. ~는 X가 올라서 결국 Y가 되었다. ⇔ 주어 rose by X to Y.
EX) Inflation rose by 3% to 9.5%.
133. 나는 ...할 기회가 없었다. ⇔ I haven't had the occasion + to 부정사.
EX) I haven't had the occasion to use my medical insurance.
134. 오직 우리가 할 일은 ...하는 것뿐이다. ⇔ All we have to do is + 원형동사.
EX) All we have to do is go and wait for the result.
135. ~는 -의 형태로 ...을 표현한다. ⇔ 주어 express(es) ... in the form of -.
EX) Black people express their feelings about life in the form of gospel music.
136. X는 Y의 핵심적 내용이다. ⇔ X is/are what Y is all about.
EX) The search for spiritual consolation is what gospel music is all about.
137. ~는 -에게 어떤 식으로든 의미를 갖는다.
⇔ 주어 has/have meaning for - in some way or other.
EX) Music surely has meaning for everyone in some way or other.
138. 오로지 중요한 것은 ...이다. ⇔ All that matters is that + 절.
EX) All that matters now is that the new government implements the necessary reforms without delay.
139. 속담에도 있듯이, “...이다.” ⇔ “...”, as the saying goes.
EX) "Every dog has his day", as the saying goes.
140. ...함에 따라 더욱 ~하다. ⇔ It is all the more 형용사 as + 절.
EX) It is all the more serious as productivity has been steadily falling in the last few years.
141. 나는 ~가 정말 -에 근거한 것인지 궁금하다.
⇔ I wonder whether 주어 is/are really based on -.
EX) I wonder whether this article is really based on facts.
142. ...하다는 것은 아주 올바른 지적이다. ⇔ It is quite right to point out that + 절.
EX) It is quite right to point out that most applicants just do not qualify for the job.
143. ...라는 사실은 지적할만한 가치가 있다. ⇔ It is worth pointing out that + 절.
EX) It is worth pointing out that pollution has put fish at risk.
144. ~은 ...라는 사실에서 엿볼 수 있다. ⇔ 주어 can be seen from the fact that + 절.
EX) The importance of the new law can be seen from the fact that even the opposition has voted for it.
145. ...하느냐의 여부는 -에 달려있다. ⇔ Whether 주어 + 동사 (+or not) depends on -.
EX) Whether I can master English or not depends on three factors.
146. ~는 ...에게 -를 간파할 수 있게 해준다. ⇔ 주어 give(s) + 인칭 목적어 + an insight into -.
EX) Traveling gives you an insight into the mentality of people in other countries.
147. ~에 상관없이 ...하다. ⇔ Irrespective of ~, 주어 + 동사.
EX) Irrespective of what side you take, you should start immediate negotiations.
148. ...하다는 것은 말할 필요도 없다. ⇔ It is needless to say that + 절.
EX) It is needless to say that breaking down the walls of prejudice is difficult.
149. ...은 일반적으로 인정된 사실이다. ⇔ It is a generally accepted truth that + 절.
EX) It is a generally accepted truth that cigarette smoking is harmful to the health.
150. ...하려면 상당한 전문 지식이 필요하다. ⇔ It takes considerable expertise + to 부정사.
EX) It takes considerable expertise to forecast the fluctuation isn stock prices.
151. 나는 ...을 분명히 해두고 싶다. ⇔ I would like to make it clear that + 절.
I would like to make it clear that I am not prejudiced against anyone.
152. ~는 한편으로는 -하면서 다른 한편으로는 ...하다.
⇔ On the one hand 주어 + 동사, on the other (hand) 주어 + 동사.
EX) On the one hand she advocates a classless society, on the other she prides herself on living in the West.
153. 주요 쟁점은 ...의 여부이다. ⇔ The main point at issue is whether + 절.
EX) The main point at issue is whether students can carry beepers and cellular phones at school.
154. 내가 보기에는 ...할 가능성이 별로 없다. ⇔ I do not see any chance of + -ing 구문.
EX) I do not see any chance of putting these ideas into practice.
155. ...라는 사실을 고려에 넣어야만 한다. ⇔ You must take into consideration that + 절.
EX) You must take into consideration that the fabric of society in that country is completely different from ours.
156. 그 모든 것을 고려할 때, 나는 ...라고 생각한다.
⇔ Taking all that into consideration, I think (that) + 절.
EX) Taking all that into consideration, I think the whole situation is not as confusing as it looks.
157. ~의 좋은 점은 ...라는 것이다. ⇔ The good thing about ~is that + 절.
EX) The good thing about it is that you do not need to speak fluent English.
158. ~의 열쇠는 -에 있다. ⇔ The key to ~ lies in -.
EX) The key to the solution of many social problems lies in a wider understanding of the facts of economic life.
159. ~에는 늘 양면성이 있다. ⇔ There are always two sides to -.
EX) There are always two sides to every problem.
160. 요컨대 ...라고 말할 수 있다. ⇔ To sum up, we can say that + 절.
EX) To sum up, we can say that women are often superior to men in almost every field.
161. ~을 어느정도 자세히 다루기로 하겠다. ⇔ I should treat ~ in some detail.
EX) I should treat this subject in some detail.
162. ~에 관해서라면 ...이다. ⇔ When it comes to ~, 주어 + 동사.
EX) When it comes to sports, he is the best in our class.
163. ~은 단지 희망 사항일 뿐이다. ⇔ 주어 is/are nothing but wishful thinking.
EX) That is nothing but wishful thinking.
164. -과 관련된 ~이 점점 더 광범위해지고 있다.
⇔ 주어 related to - become(s) progressively more comprehensive.
EX) The problems related to the environment become progressively more comprehensive.
165. ~를 잘할수 있는 최선의 방법 중 하나는 ...인 듯 싶다.
⇔ One of the best ways + to 부정사 seems + to 부정사.
EX) One of the best ways to shop seems to prepare in advance by making a list of what you need.
166. 나는 ~를 하는 것 만큼이나 거의 ...하는 것을 싫어한다.
⇔ I hate + -ing 구문 almost as much as + -ing 구문.
EX) I hate washing dishes almost as much as doing laundry.
167. X는 Y보다 약 3배 정도나 많은 -를 ...한다.
⇔ X 동사 about three times as many/much -as Y.
EX) The big washing machine holds about three times as many clothes as the regular one.
168. 나는 늘 ...하는 것이 훨씬 더/덜 ~할거라고 생각했다.
⇔ I always thought it would be much 비교급 + to 부정사.
EX) I always thought it would be much more expensive to repair.
169. 여러 가지 이유들로 인해 ~이후 세상이 많이 변했다.
⇔ Things have changed a lot since ~ for various reasons.
EX) Things have changed a lot since the 1950s for various reasons.
170. ~는 너무 -하여 ...할 수가 없다. ⇔ 주어 + 동사 + too 형용사(부사) + to 부정사.
EX) I was too nervous about the exam result to eat the food.
171. ~는 ...한 지 얼마되지 않아 -하기 시작했다.
⇔ Soon after 주어 had + 과거분사, 주어 started + to 부정사.
EX) Soon after I had left my country, I started to feel homesick.
172. ~에 관해서 흥미로운 것은 A가 아니라 B이다.
⇔ What is interesting about ~ is not A, but B.
EX) What is interesting about money is not its value, but the behavior of people toward it.
173. 이 논의는 ~에 관한 것으로 -와는 관계가 없다.
⇔ The discussion is on ~ and it stands regardless of -.
EX) The discussion is on basic body shape and it stands regardless of what you weigh and how fat you may be.
174. 보통 ...하는 모습은 ~을 잘 드러낸다. ⇔ Usually, the way 주어 + 동사 reveals ~.
EX) Usually, the way someone speaks reveals his or her character.
175. ~ 의 이유들은 -만큼이나 다양하다. ⇔ The reasons for ~ are as varied as -.
EX) Their reasons for taking drugs are as varied as the environments in which they live.
176. 일부 경우들에선 ...인 반면, 다른 경우들에선 ~이다.
⇔ In some cases 주어 + 동사; in others 주어 + 동사.
EX) In some cases addiction wil be lifelong; in others it may be a temporary phase.
177. 목표는 대중들이 ~에 대해 보다 잘 인식케하는 것이다.
⇔ The aim is to make the public more aware of ~.
EX) The aim is to make the public more aware of the wildlife's plight.
178. 비록 -하지만 ~과 유사한 방법으로 ...한다.
⇔ 주어 + 동사 in a way similar to that of ~, though + 형용사.
EX) This machine works in a way similar to that of a computer, though slow-moving.
179. 대부분의 사람들에게서 중요한 것은 ~뿐만 아니라 -이다.
⇔ For most people it is not only ~ which is/are important, but -(as well).
EX) For most people it is not only the type of housing which is important, but the whole neighborhood as well.
180. 나는 ~에 환멸을 느껴서 ...한다. ⇔ I am so disenchanted with ~ that + 절.
EX) I was so disenchanted with life in a big city that I decided to give up my job and make a fresh start somewhere in the country.
181. 나는 ...하는 것이 더 이상 무의미하다고 생각한다.
⇔ I think it no longer makes sense that + 절.
EX) I think it no longer makes sense that the universities remain in a densely populated part of Seoul.
182. ...인지 여부는 단지 견해 차이에 불과하다.
⇔ Whether or not + 절 is just a matter of opinion.
EX) Whether of not it's healthier to be a vegetarian is just a matter of opinion.
183. ...라는 사실의 원인으로 ~을 탓할 수 있다. ⇔ You can blame ~ for the fact that + 절.
EX) You can blame TV for the fact that children take longer to learn to read these days.
184. 문제는 우리가 ...를 하면서도 어떻게 ~하는지를 모른다는 사실이다.
⇔ The trouble is that when + 절 we don't know how + 절.
EX) The trouble is that when we look at the photo we don't know how the photo was taken.
185. 나는 -에 대해 아는바가 별로 없으므로 ...을 할 수가 없다.
⇔ I have little knowledge of ~ and am therefore unable + to 부정사.
EX) I have little knowledge of the actual production of what I buy and am therefore unable to make firsthand judgements of quality.
186. ...을 하는데 ~을 참조하면 유의할 것이다. ⇔ It may be useful to refer to ~ + to 부정사.
EX) It may be useful to refer to a business dictionary to read financial pages in the newspaper.
187. 부분적으로 ~의 이유는 ...하는데 있는 듯하다.
⇔ Part of the reason for ~ may lie in + -ing 구문.
EX) Part of the reason for this may lie in people choosing a holiday that is unsuitable for them.
188. ~에 대한 이야기를 듣는 것이 요즘은 꽤 흔한 일이다.
⇔ It is not common these days to hear of ~.
EX) It is not common these days to hear of people who become disenchanted with city life.
189. 더욱 많은 사람들이 ...하는 것을 점점 스트레스로 생각하고 있다.
⇔ More and more people are finding it increasingly stressful + to 부정사.
EX) More and more people are finding it increasingly stressful to commute to work.
190. 만약 ...한다면 ~은 꽤나 큰 충격일 것이다. ⇔ 주어 will come as quite a shock if + 절.
EX) Sex education at school will come as quite a shock if you've been accustomed to a regular curriculum.
191. 전통적으로 ~는 늘 -였다. 왜냐하면 ...하기 때문이다.
⇔ Traditionally, 주어 has/have always been -, for 주어 + 동사.
EX) Traditionally, auto-racing has always been a man's sport, for it takes a great deal of stamina.
192. ~은 경제적으로 필요성보다는 기호의 문제에 해당한다.
⇔ 주어 is/are less a matter of economic necessity than of taste.
EX) Vegetarianism in the West is less a matter of economic necessity than of taste.
193. ~은 -하는 경향이 있어서 ...이다. ⇔ 주어 tend(s) + to 부정사 so that + 절.
EX) Vegetables tend to have a higher water content so that vegetarians automatically take larger quantities of water.
194. ~은 비판할 것은 많고 칭찬할 점은 별로 없다.
⇔ There is much to criticize and little to praise in ~.
EX) There is much to criticize and little to praise in the schooling we received.
195. 하지만 ...의 여부에 대해서는 아직 의문이 완전히 가시지 않고 있다.
⇔ There are, however, still some lingering doubts as to whether + 절.
EX) There are, however, still some lingering doubts as to whether this new system can replace the old one.
196. 똑같은 규칙이 ~ 및 그와 동등한 것에 적용될 것이다.
⇔ The same rules will apply to ~ and its/their equivalents.
EX) The same rules will apply to the Nobel prizewinner and their equivalents.
197. 요즘들어 ~는 과거만큼 ~하지 않다.
⇔ 주어 + 부정동사 + as 형용사(부사) nowdays as 주어 used to.
EX) People don't work as hard nowdays as they used to.
198. ~는 별 논란을 일으키지 않으면서 폭넓게 행해지고 있다.
⇔ 주어 is/are widely practiced and causes little controversy.
EX) Plastic surgery today is widely practiced and causes little controversy.
199. 오늘날 우리가 알고 있는 것과 같은 ~는 -에는 존재하지 않을 것이다.
⇔ 주어 as we know it/them today won't exist in -.
EX) School as we konw them today won't exist in the 21st century.
200. ~는 ...라는 점에서 -와는 다르다. ⇔ 주어 differ(s) from -in that + 절.
EX) TIME magazine differs from LIFE in that it is more serious.
[미국드라마속 전치사/부사] AROUND (0) | 2013.08.07 |
[미국드라마 속 전치사/부사] Under (0) | 2013.08.07 |
[경제영어] 주가가 상승하다 / 하락하다 (0) | 2013.08.06 |
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Volatility Index (VIX 지수, 변동성지수) (0) | 2013.08.04 |
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