[뉴욕타임즈읽기] The Mask fiasco 마스크 (정책의) 낭패
2020.04.02 by haijun93
[뉴욕타임즈읽기] rally round the flag effect 랠리 라운드 더 플래그 효과
2020.03.30 by haijun93
[TED 영어] follow in the footsteps of ~의 전철을 따르다
2020.03.30 by haijun93
[TED 영어] It turns out, (알고보니 놀랍게도 = amazingly, surprisingly or unexpectedly)
2020.03.30 by haijun93
['알다'의 다양한 표현]know, understand, realize, recognize, notice, get, see
2020.03.30 by haijun93
[뉴욕타임즈 표현] I see several : 몇가지를 생각해 봤다.
2020.03.29 by haijun93
[TED 표현] that got me thinking. (그때 깨달았어요.)
2020.03.27 by haijun93
[TED 표현] What struck me is ... (인상적이었던 점은...)
2020.03.27 by haijun93